Tuesday, November 8, 2011

More Friends...and neighbors

Love, love, love this family and that's all I have to say about that.  

More familiar faces to the blog!

There's no greater compliment to me than when a client comes back for more photos.  Even better when they keep coming back!  These boys are no strangers to this blog and I'm so happy every time their momma asks for more pictures!  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Small World!

After some talk about mini vans I found out this dad worked with my husband when we lived in Houston!  Small world!  

So handsome!

I had the opportunity to photograph this handsome guy last weekend.  We had a blast getting to know each other.  He had me laughing the whole session!  Enjoy your sneak peeks, Tammy!

Holiday Mini Session recap :)

Here's a few pictures from the mini sessions I did last month.  Huge credit goes out to all the photographers who do mini sessions on a regular basis....this morning wiped me out!  I had a blast meeting new clients and seeing familiar faces again!  

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Long time friends...

I was so happy when this family contacted me to do their family photos!  They are great friends of ours and our kids can't seem to get enough of each other.  Perfect combo!  

Monday, October 10, 2011

Miss H & Mr. J

One thing's for sure about 1 year olds.  They don't stop unless they're asleep.  No shortage of energy in this little guy.  He had me ALL over the place!  Thankfully, big sis was as calm as could be!  Enjoy your peeks, Sarah!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

UPDATED: Holiday Mini Session Information

9 am is the only spot left!  First come, first serve!

I've had several requests for a small session with a couple of pictures for the holiday card.  So, I've created just that! 

 On Saturday, October 22nd, I will be doing mini sessions at Van Hoosen Museum.  If your a past client of mine, that's probably where we did your session and it is BEAUTIFUL there right now!!

Here's the low down: 

Cost: $60

Sessions will be about 20 minutes long.  7-10 days after your session you will receive a password protected gallery of approximately 20 edited images.  You can choose 4 images for your cd.  You will receive a print release for unlimited printing of your purchased images.  

Sessions will be booked on a first come, first serve basis.  In order to guarantee your spot, you must pay for your session in full, via paypal or make payment arrangements with me. The slots will remain open until  payment has been received. 

Time Slots: 

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

boys, boys, boys!

I photographed 6 children this weekend....only 1 was a girl :)  These are the sneak peeks for my third family I had the pleasure to meet.  You would never know it from these pictures, but the baby was NOT giving up the smiles! I've got a lot of tricks up my sleeves to get kids to smile and nothing was working for this little guy!  We worked very hard for the ones we got, thanks to dads brilliant idea!  

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The P family

I had a blast this weekend.  I really did.  I photographed 3 families.  This one was the first of the weekend.  What a sweet family!  Enjoy your sneak peeks!

Friends & Neighbors, part II

Back in July, I photographed some friends from our neighborhood....this weekend, I did another.  As a matter of fact, word travels fast in this neighborhood, and I have 2 more families from this great neighborhood on the books before winter comes!  Stay tuned!  Here's the D family.  Do you see why I love my job so much?  Look at this family!!!