Thursday, October 7, 2010

Addison & Grayson

Have I introduced you to my own sweet little ones?  I know there's a few pictures of them floating around this blog here and there but here's a formal introduction!  Addison is 4, and smart as a whip!  She LOVES to draw and color and when she's not doing that, she is playing with her stroller and babies.  She is sweet and sassy all mixed into one and loads of fun to hang out with. 
Grayson, my little guy, is actually called "biggie" in our house.  Not sure exactly why, but that's what we call him!  He's almost 3 and loves to turn anything he can find into a sword or bat of some sort...No idea how this happended, must be a boy thing!  He is as sweet as can be (aside from his terrible 2 displays from time to time), and loves his big sister to pieces!

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